Friday, July 29, 2011

Add Items on JList using JTextField



* File:

* Tiltle: Add Items on JList using JTextField

* Author:


//Java Extension Packages

import javax.swing.*;

//Java Core Packages

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class jtextfieldToJList extends JFrame {

//Initializing JTextField, JList, and DefaultListModel class

private DefaultListModel model;

private JList list;

private JTextField input;

//Setting up GUI

public jtextfieldToJList() {

//Setting up the Title of the Window

super("Add Item on JList using JTextField");

//Set Size of the Window (WIDTH, HEIGHT)


//Exit Property of the Window


//Constructing JTextField, JList, and DefaultListModel

model = new DefaultListModel();

input = new JTextField("Type your Inputs Here and Press Enter");

list = new JList(model);

//Setting JList Properties

list.setVisibleRowCount(8); //Number of Itmes to be displayed. If greater than 8, Vertical ScrollBar will be displayed.

list.setFixedCellHeight(15); //Fix width of the JList


//Setting up the container ready for the components to be added.

Container pane = getContentPane();


//Implemeting Even-Listener on JTextField's reference name "input" using ActionListener


new ActionListener() {

//Handle JTextField event if Enter key is pressed

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {

//Store the input from JTextField to the variable "message"

String message = "The input <"+input.getText()+"> is Successfully Added!";

//Adding items or elements from JTextField to JList


//Display the input from JTextField to JOptionPane using the variable "message"

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message,"Successfully Added!",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

//The JTextField will be empty after JOptionPane is closed ready for the next input.





//Adding JTextField in the container with a BorderLayout of NORTH


//Adding the JList in the container with a component JScrollPane that's automatically creates Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bar

//if the items or elements are greater than the specified "VisibleRowCount" in line 38.

pane.add(new JScrollPane(list),BorderLayout.SOUTH);

/**Set all the Components Visible.

* If it is set to "false", the components in the container will not be visible.




//Main Method

public static void main(String[] args) {

jtextfieldToJList aijl = new jtextfieldToJList();



Important Part of the Program:

//Implemeting Even-Listener on JTextField's reference name "input" using ActionListener


new ActionListener() {

//Handle JTextField event if Enter key is pressed

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {

//Store the input from JTextField to the variable "message"

String message = "The input <"+input.getText()+"> is Successfully Added!";

//Adding items or elements from JTextField to JList


//Display the input from JTextField to JOptionPane using the variable "message"

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message,"Successfully Added!",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

//The JTextField will be empty after JOptionPane is closed ready for the next input.





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